Monday, September 15, 2008

How important is a cell phone?

American teenagers have made the cell phone an essential item to have, according to survey of teens across the country. Many feel that having a cell phone is part of their identity and the measure of their social lives. Also, owning the latest, newest phone to come out is absolutely necessary; some kids are even embarrassed to show others their phone if it's not "cool". Many teens said they don't even use their cell phone for practical things like emergencies, but for social networking or playing games.

It is so hard to believe how sad and true the survey's results were. It's crazy that some kids are embarrassed if they don't have a phone that's hip or cool. People are so judgmental about others based on one piece of technology; that's almost like judging someone by how much money they have. Don't get me wrong, having a stylish phone is cool and nice to have, but it should not be the basis for one's social life. This article really reveals how society can be so influential on its people.

~ Outside Reading #1

Reardon, Marguerite. "Teens view cell phones as essential." Yahoo! News. 15 Sept. 2008.


Katherine M said...

I definitely agree that a someone should not be judged by what type of cell phone they have--in my opinion, that's really ignorant. I think that you can see the results of the survey referenced in this article every day at school: anyone with a new and exciting cell phone is envied for a month, and then the phone doesn't seem so cool anymore, and its owner is probably beginning to hanker for a newer, better one. Personally, I think that this attitude towards material goods is really unhealthy. It contributes to our society full of consumers who use their belongings almost as though they are disposable, and throw things out without a second thought.

Samantha said...

I also agree with you guys. I believe that no one should be judged for their material possessions. However, I can understand why many kids do feel embarrassed or under pressure to have the best and newest phones. Many think it is really important or they will not be accepted without it. However, when one gets past the fact that no one actually cares about your phone then you realize its not really a big deal what phone you have or dont have!

Hannah D said...

I totally agree with all of you. Many teens use the arguement that they need a cell phone in case of emergencies, but usually end up just using it to play games or text with friends. Having the latest and greatest phone is fun, until it gets stolen so that someone else can experience the thrill of having the "it" piece of technology. I see how people judge others based on their cell phone, but I wish it wasn't that way. It is easy to just do a scan over of someone, see their phone, and judge them, but it would be really great if it was what was inside the person that was judged. I hope others read this article and think twice before basing their opinion of someone off of their cell phone.

Kristen H said...

Brenden, your article about the importance of having "the latest and greatest" phone seems interesting and possibly true. However, I don't agree with all of you about how people pass large judgements because of what phone you happen to have. I for one have one of the most out-dated phones out there, but nobody has ever made me feel embarrassed about it. Maybe i've never felt that way because of my stance that having cool and new gadgets doesn't matter at all. Although i don't agree that phones impact what people think of you, I agree with all of you that judgement based on material goods is unhealthy, and hurtful. Having fun and new gadgets is fun, but it's a vicious cycle once you get worried about having the "in thing," and it could result in many problems. Our society should focus more on the "bigger picture" and spend their time and money on more important things.

Meghan M said...

Wow, sad but so true. When you look around almost every teen has their own cell phone and the majority of those kids have the latest versions. I don't feel that having the latest "coolest" phone should be all that important to people. It can be a pricey habit given it seems cell phone companies are coming up with new phones all the time it can be pretty hard to keep up. As far as judging someone by what phone they have goes I feel that is shallow of people, but I do not personally see much of this going on around me. I agree with Kristen when she said our society should focus more on the "bigger picture" and spend their time and money on more important things. All that really matters to me about my phone is that it works; I could care less about all the gadgets.

Sean C. said...

Your article has some good points. Although, I have not really noticed this type of behavior at our school to be honest.
Also I disagree on your point that teens don't use it for emergencies. Maybe it's just your phrasing, but I'm sure that they will use their phone for emergencies, they just also use it for stuff besides it.
However I do agree about your main point that a society should not be based on possesions. This rampart consumerism leads to basically the movie Wall-E. A society based on trash, growing ever lazier.

annie said...

I agree with what you said in this blog. I agree that it's nice to have a phone for contacting people. I can't believe that people would judge one because of their phone!! I think that judging another off of anything besides personality is ignorant, mostly when it's materials and technology. I think this article is really interesting and would be interested in learning more!!

abc said...

I absolutely agree with you. Having a cool phone is great if you have one but it shouldn't really be that important. I think the main idea behind getting a phone is so you can contact someone in case of an emergency. So if you have a phone that can call someone in an emergency and has basic functions the owner should be fine.